Back in the old days, video sex was very much the norm. People were getting intimate in video form way before the actual act was “on camera.” And the good people of the World can agree that it was definitely a lot of fun. Times have certainly changed, but there are still plenty of people out there who enjoy getting intimate in video form.

So if video sex has fallen out of favour, how come it’s actually more popular than it was a few years ago? Video cam sex is definitely more intimate, more fun, and way more fun than it used to be. It’s no longer something that is just off limits to the conservative. My girlfriend and I have been watching videos together for about six months now and I can honestly say that it is some of the most fun and intimate sex that I have had with my partner in a long time. And surprisingly, the new trend of getting intimate using a cam has really not changed how frequently people have sex, how much fun people have, or even how frequently the relationship ends.

The thing is, video sex simply taps into something that people have always found intriguing. People love the idea of being able to get caught on video as they perform the sexual act. It adds an entirely new level of anticipation, and people literally can’t wait to see what the next video will bring. This has all brought to a whole new level of intimacy and desire for those couples that are adventurous enough to try this new trend.

Video Sex, it turns out, is also a very practical idea. My girlfriend and I simply could not get through another day without trying out the newest trend that is sweeping the United States. If we were going to have another sex life, this was the way to go. I mean, what would be the point of trying to make our lives more complicated if it wasn’t going to be any more interesting?

My girlfriend and I are both members of the long-distance couple. We live hundreds, even thousands of miles apart. Sex between us was impossible, at least when we were talking on the phone or texting on Skype. Long-distance lovers just don’t get along. However, when we tried video sex our ideas about long-distance relationships became a little bit more realistic.

Now, video sex works much like Instagram. I snap a photo of my partner, email it to my girlfriend, and then send her a link to my Instagram account. She can see the photo of my boyfriend (although now she has access to a camera too!) and can comment on it and send me a reply, or respond to whatever Instagram post I put up.

Of course, we both still text each other, but we never talk on the phone or Skype while we’re on video chat sex. We still make out and enjoy the sex from our bedrooms. There’s even less intimacy involved because there isn’t any need to be face to face with anyone. In fact, I can tell you that the first time I talked on video chat sex I came across as a little fake, like I was reading a non-verbal script. Luckily, my girlfriend already suspected something was wrong so we cut all verbal communication and only spoke through our hands.

This is how we met. We used a free dating site for our video chat, and when I sent her a sexy photo of myself she was impressed. I guess it worked because she’s now my girlfriend. For more advice on getting your sexual relationship off the mat, check out our vrangalova guide.

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